At Scrapchat we were challenged to make a hybrid page this weekend. Manda said:
"I'd like you do complete a traditional layout on ANY topic you like and use your computer as a tool in some way to make it! That's all hybrid is really!"
One particular picture was 'haunting' me so I went ahead and reprinted it for the challenge. In the 80's I was in a Bush Band called Mouldy Warp (he was a little hedgehog character in England who used to carry all sorts of musical instruments around with him). I enhanced the photo by lightening it a little, then cropping and printing a title on the page in colour. I also printed the words on vellum to add at the bottom of the layout. The background paper is Blush Blooms from Creative Memories (CM), I created the silver and tan paisley shapes with a CM punch, the arrows and flourishes are mostly hand drawn/cut/enhanced with metallic pens from CM, and the little brown arrow and 'play' word are CM stickers.
Hi Susan so sorry i just saw the Susan and well presumed it was you, but its ok though , the goodies are yours i have three now.
It's really beautiful Susan! I love what you did with the photo, and those paisley shapes are gorgeous!
Nicola xx
Susan!!!!! I didn't know you were famous!!!! How cool is that!!! Can I have your autograph?? But seriously....that is a very cool photo!!! And an awesome layout!! I love those paisleys!! What kind of music did you all play??
Fabulous layout. Great colours.
I would say that 3/4's of all my layouts & minibooks are hybrid pages as I used digital elements printed on transparency & computer generate lots of titles.
Awesome layout! That's pretty cool that you were in a band. :) That's a great picture and a really neat layout to go with it. :)
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