I have been trying something new - creating a web site! If you are passionate about a subject you can make money by building a website about it. The company I am working with has a 'special' on for the next 24 hours if you want to find out more. Let me know if you have any questions about it :-)
I have been finding it easy to follow the step-by-step instructions for building a websitte, even though all I knew about it before was building this Blog. It's a challenge but a lot of fun!
I will let you know when my website is ready for public viewing and maybe you can give me some feedback.
Hmmmm...I can't wait to see what you are creating! And congratulations on the sale of the house. I certainly hope you don't have to be homeless! I'd invite you to stay with us, but I guess that would not be to convenient :)
Ohhh sounds cool!! My son and I are learning how to build a website for his homeschooling project right now! It's very interesting and, of course, coming so much easier to him than me!!! LOL
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