Thank you so much for thinking of me for this award Hannah! You are too kind :)
Hannah also told me The rules for passing this award on: you must post the award on your blog, name the person who awarded you, then pass the award to 6 other bloggers and leave a message on their blog that they've received the award.
My 6 nominees are........
1. Jaqi
2. Lee
3. Suzanne
4. Pearl
5. Lexie
6. Grace
Oh gosh this is a cuuuuuuute award!!!! So wonderful for your lovely blog Susan!!! And thanks so much for passing it along!!!
Thanks for thinking of me , Susan ! You are a hun !
Thank you for this Susan. I hope to get it up on my site tonight and to pass it on.
Hey Lovey... Hannah and I were on the same wavelength because I have left you the same award on my blog! LOL I will consider it recieved and passed!
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