It's the time of year when the Xygocacti bloom. They fascinate me. These pictures were begging me to share them, so after resisting for awhile, I gave in and here they are for you. It's a day for flowers in our house anyway, and when I saw Wordsworth's Daffodil poem on Chriss' blog, that clinched it for me about these pictures. Hope you like them.
UPDATE: Thank you, everyone, for your kind comments about the loss of my friend. I truly appreciated it.
Susan those are gorgeous!!! I love all your nature photos!! Hubby says these remind him of a Christmas Cactus he used to have!
Oh WOW those are so incredibly beautiful. Thanks for sharing them! :)
Wow Susan they are gorgeous.
These are beautiful. The colors are brilliant!
Thank you so much for sharing them with us.
THese are beautiful Susan. So glad you shared them with us.
Sorry for your sad loss.
Gorgeous flowers my Easter Cactus only flowers in November now!!
Susan, your Grandpa Frank’s sister, Dora, grew what we call a Christmas Cactus at her home in Washington state. Somehow I got ahold of part of that plant some 40 or 50 years ago and it is still robust and healthy and flourishing and has gorgeous blossoms for us every year. Also I still have a pothos plant that your Grandma Lorna was given when she left Lincoln School in Fresno in 1953. It has produced many offspring. Plants are amazing in their ability to provide continuity to the past.
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