No paper craft today! It doesn't mix too well with fish guts and ocean spray. We took our boat out on Mourilyan Harbour even though the winds were a little strong. I like the ocean when the wind is blowing between 5 - 10 knots but today it was blowing 15 - 20 knots. I thought it was a little scary in our little boat. I lasted a couple of hours before seasickness kicked in, and in that time we had a lot of fun. There were Reef Sharks out there today and boy do they fight! We must have snagged about 8 of them (all about 2.5' long for the US readers, or over half a metre metric ) and we let them all go as we cannot use that much fish. We did keep two nice Tailor and brought them home for some friends. We love the fishing part, but often aren't so keen on the cooking and eating, so we try to only bring home what we know people will want. That's what we did this trip. Then I got a call from a friend this afternoon who would have taken all 8 of the sharks unfortunately, but they are all out there growing bigger instead.
Looks like you had a rockin' good time! See you and I would get along so well...you like fishin' (my ADHD kicks in majorly with this activity, I enjoy it for about 10 minutes than ready to move on) and I love cookin' and eatin' fish! Especially really freash fish. Now if someone would come forward who loves to "clean" fish. That's the part I really dislike so most my fish come from the market ready for the pan and good eatin"....
Oh coooool!!!! Those pictures are so fun!!! What a fun adventure it sounds like!!! Okay, this from a land-locked Coloradan!! LOL If I ever get to Australia will you take me out on your boat so I can finally say I've been seasick??? LOL
Ohhh Susan sound like fun, i would love to own a boat and have fun on the river.
Andrea x
What beautiful fish! And a very nice boat, to boot. Thanks for the translation from metric to regular, by the way.
Your chauvinistic uncle from the US, Tom.
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