You may have wondered why there were no posts here for a time. The pictures may explain. I was caught up in the wonderful, hectic, indescribable series of events that led to my sweet daughter's wedding. She married the loveliest man who has really been part of our world for the past eight years! They married on the shores of a lake, while the rain held off just long enough to allow us some wonderful light for the photos. Her black and red theme was unusual, yes, but it was beautiful. Her bouquet was made up of perfect red roses intertwined with grape vines and wired-in, shiny black rocks. The Reception venue was at the Lake as well and had originally been a hunting lodge, so there were statues of wild beasts to surprise us. It was a beautifully appointed venue and the staff there treated us well, serving very tasty and original dishes to us afterward.
The crowd of friends and family who gathered to witness the event were relaxed, friendly and happy to provide some of the entertainment at the Reception, as many of them had musical or theatre skills.
It was a perfect day, worth all the long distance planning and problem solving!
Congratulations, my dears. May your life together be a long, contented road of joy to lighten any sorrows that may cross your paths.